Emergency Preparedness Suggestions



EP Progress Schedule 2024

We will use this schedule to better be prepared as a family for eventual emergencies.


No Electricity and/or Gas

Optional Supplement Energy for Home Use 

  • Portable Gas and Cooking Systems | Some way to cook food and boil water if no electricity or natural gas is working at home.
  • Batteries for portable electrical devices and flashlights.
  • Rechargeable Batteries or Rechargeable electric generators | Expensive and solar needed to recharge.
  • Candles and emergency and matches/lighters
  • Rechargeable flashlights or solar-charged flashlights | Tend to not last very long in use, but can be recharged during the day.
  • Portable Solar for charging cell phones
  • Emergency foods/snacks that can be eaten cold.

APR & May 

Water, Paper Towels, and Toilet Paper

Three – Week Supply

  • Water: Minimal Amount – 14 gallons of water per Person.
  • Toilet Paper: Minimal Amount – 4 rolls per Person
  • Paper Towels: 20 for the average family 
  • Check dates on existing water

June & July 

Prepare Spiritually: 

In an emergency, we cannot overlook our spiritual needs.

  • Scriptures
  • Hymn Book
  • Consecrated Oil


Additional Ideas for June:

Spiritual Preparedness – building faith in Jesus Christ

Individual / Family Daily Activities:  

  • Daily Prayers 
  • Daily Scripture Study – (Come Follow Me)

Temple Goals: 

  • Submit a name(s)!
  • Set Temple Attendance goals
  • Make and Keep Sacred Covenants 

Ministering Assignments:

  • Share Spiritual Preparedness message with them.
  • Get Ministering contact info to use during a disaster (text, phone, in

Elders Quorum Instruction ideas:

  • Consecrating oil as a Quorum HB 18:12 ( purchase bottles )
  • Administering to the sick HB 18:13
  • Show Video HB 18:13

PDF Flyer:  June 2023 – ( download



Baby Emergency Preparedness Kit:  

  • Formula
  • Diaper
  • Sterilized bottles
  • Powdered milk
  • Medications
  • Baby wipes
  • Diapers

General Members:

In addition to having a 14-day supply of Water.

Please add the following for all family members.

  • Powdered milk
  • Dried fruit drink or Tang


3-month food supply: canned and non-perishable foods

  • Non-perishable foods at least 3 months
  • A way to cook/warm the food if the utility services are not working.
  • A manual can opener to open the different types of cans. 



Food Preparedness also includes developing a plan for how to take care of basic needs during an emergency. Members are encouraged to build both a short-term and longer-term supply of food, water, and other necessities.

For more information Temporal Preparedness Resources.

Church Home Food Storage Center: Information

Buy Food Online: Church Online Store

Physical Location of Food Storage Center – Purchase some food supplies and related at reasonable prices:

CA—Fountain Valley

Address Phone
17350 Mount Hermann St
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Saturday 9:00 a.m.–1:00 p.m.



Church Food Storage Recommendations for 1 year

One Adult Portion

Grains—400 pounds (181 kg); includes wheat, flour, rice, corn, oatmeal, and pasta

Legumes—60 pounds (27 kg); includes dry beans, split peas, lentils, etc.

Powdered Milk—16 pounds (7 kg)

Cooking Oil—10 quarts (9 l)

Sugar or Honey—60 pounds (27 kg)

Salt—8 pounds (3.6 kg)

Water (2 weeks*)—14 gallons (53 l)

Child Portions


Percentage of Adult Portion

3 and under


4 to 6


7 to 10


11 and up



72 Hour Emergency Preparedness Kit 

Check Lists:

Gov | Build an Emergency Kit

BYU – Women’s Conference 2006 – PDF | Assembling a 72 Hour Kit

FEMA | How to Build a Kit for Emergencies

CA | CA Emergency Kit checklist



Church: (PDF) Personal and Family Emergency Preparedness – Planning Guide

Church: Making a Survival Kit

Church: Emergency Preparedness

Church: Self Reliance: How to Make a Go-Bag


Emergency Kits

Review possible suggestions for emergency items.



Emergency GUIDES

Review possible suggestions for emergency guides.

DEC – Jan

Emergency Preparedness – Finance



Preparedness also includes having control of your finances and having an emergency fund on hand for a rainy day.

Are you ready to take control of your finances?


Personal Finances for Self-Reliance (Planning Guide).

More Financial Guides and Information:

Church: Three Steps for Building an Emergency Fund

Church: (Online Class Book) Personal Finances for Self-Reliance

Church: (Online Book) Personal Finances

Church: (PDF) Personal Finances




Emergency Prep

No one wants to think about it, or plan for it.

But if a real emergency happens you need the right resources, planning, and a cool head to keep your family safe.


Seize The Moment

Spend each month focuses on 3 items / sections of this website in order to better be ready for the eventuality of an emergency situation.



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